The Canada Digital Adoption Program – Grow Your Business Online is a national program supporting the growth of small businesses by making the adoption of digital tools and technologies easy and accessible.
A consortium of four organizations is responsible for delivering the program in Saskatchewan:
- Saskatchewan Economic Development Alliance (SEDA)
- Saskatchewan Polytechnic
- Digital Main Street/TABIA
- Economic Development Regina
Two Program Streams will be available over the three-year program term:
1) Provision of micro-grants to businesses. Grants up to $2400 will be made available to eligible Saskatchewan businesses.
2) Skills development of young adults. A team of E-Commerce Advisors will be hired to support eligible businesses in implementing digital enhancement strategies.
Eligible Businesses
The Canada Digital Adoption Program – Grow Your Business Online will be open to any businesses that meet the following requirements:
- Is a for-profit business (including for-profit social enterprises and cooperatives);
- Is a registered or incorporated business;
- Is a consumer-facing business;
- Can be accessed by customers or provides in person services to customers;
Has at least one employee (other than the owner) OR had at least $30,000 in annual revenue in the most recent tax year
*Recipients must commit to maintain digital adoption strategy for 6 months post intervention.
*A business will be required to consent to participating in follow-up surveys, having their information shared with the Government of Canada (ISED and Statistics Canada), and having the name of their business published as a recipient of funding.
Eligible Micro-Grant Costs include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Costs related to implementation or improvement of a digital e-commerce plan (i.e. website development, electronic payment)
- Costs related to website search optimization
- Costs related to the installation of an e-commerce platform (incl. subscription fees)
- Costs of back-office solutions to support e-commerce strategy
- Costs of social media advertising
- Costs related to the creation of customer databases
Digital Transformation Planning
Eligible businesses will meet virtually with an E-Commerce Advisor to build a digital strategy. The advisor will assist the business owner in identifying their first priorities and the first digital tools/technology they want to activate. The Advisor will activate and implement digital tools and technologies that will be most effective to achieve the business’s strategic goals.
If you are an eligible Saskatchewan business that meets the aforementioned criteria and would like to apply for the program, please click here: